

I know. The "recaps" are getting a little redundant, but they're necessary. For some reason I feel compelled to document the highlights (or lowlights, whichever you prefer) of my year.

I can think of no better way to start off a year than by worshipping with tens of thousands, and learning from some well known, admirable Christians. Passion07 was most definitely the first of many highlights. (See Passion07 and Journal for more details.)

That same month, a chapter that I thought (and feared) was forever closed reopened. The relationship that crumbled (and my heart along with it) during the summer of 2006 was suddenly and unexpectedly being pieced back together. I was incredibly excited, yet incredibly confused, scared, hesitant, and cautious.

February flew by, and in March I decided that the spring semester would be my last. I didn't want to teach, I didn't want to be in a public college...I wanted to be married. Some arrangements were "made" so that that desire would be fulfilled the following year.

In May, I visited Liberty University. It was love at first sight. That same week, the founder of the University, Dr. Jerry Falwell, passed away. My friends Robby and Emily wed on the 19th, which was exciting and odd. That same time one year prior, Robby was single, and interning at my church, and had no clue that Emily even existed. My how things change within a year!

In June, the relationship that began in January ended exactly as it began: suddenly and unexpectedly. I was surprised at how "ok" with it I was. To this day, I haven't shed a tear over the loss. The break up quickly ushered me into the next chapter of my life; I applied to Liberty University, and started classes on August 20th.

In September I moved from the Campus East dorms to the Aarons Place townhouse with Ashley and Naomi. I've loved every minute of it. (Well, minus the 28 days of Hishge!)

I love the scenery of Lynchburg, and the spirit of Liberty, but the friendships that formed within the last few months of 2007 have made the Burg home.

As tacky as this will sound, Nate is by far my best "guy" friend. I honestly believe that my first semester at Liberty wouldn't have been the same without him. We have this great 40/60 relationship (just kiddin Nate!). He doesn't know it, but he provided great encouragement and love on the rare hard, lonely, tearful nights. God used you, Nate. Thank you.

Ashley, Naomi, and Allen are next on the BFF list. : ) I don't think I've ever laughed more than I have with the three of them.

Late in the semester, I met Jordan, Chris, Sam, Nikki, and way late...Grant. They probably don't know how much of a blessing they were and are, and how much they challenge me spiritually. (Especially Grant.)

Speaking of "spiritually," I was challenged in ways I've never been. I learned much; about God, His Word, and His relation to me/me to Him. I realized how undisciplined I am, and how I had forgotten my first love. I went through a month of complacency/bitterness, but came out reminded of God's love and faithfulness and sovereignty.

I wasn't happy with my "lot" in life at that moment (which is a mark of immaturity and doubt) and through that, I gave Satan a foothold, both in my relationship with God, and with others. It didn't take too long for God to correct that though. (He always wins.)

I came home in December for break, had a wonderful Christmas, and a not so wonderful working experience. (But it ends tomorrow!)

On to the closing remarks: Things rarely turn out the way they're "supposed" to. That's because I am not the determiner of things, of which I am so thankful. One thing I've had to constantly remind myself, and I think I've finally accepted, is that dwelling on the past is extremely counterproductive. If things that were, are no more, then so be it. It is wasted time and energy to think about how I might have done things differently, or to simply think of the "no more". It will undoubtedly hold me back. I MUST refuse to allow this to happen. There are few unseen (and un-Divine) forces as strong as the mind and its thoughts...I alone am responsible for them.

It's a battlefield.

But I am more than a conqueror...

Farewell, 07!



Here's a quote and some thoughts that it stirred:

"The empty tomb was the answer to the cross."
-Gary Habermas

Jesus, in the midst of his greatest moment of suffering, asked God "why?"

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

God never gave Jesus a direct answer (we assume). But Jesus, in God's perfect orchestration, received the answer the moment he walked out of that tomb. Again and again he received answers as he saw his disciples face to face once more. So why did He do it?


The same occurs with us during our trials. We are almost always sure to ask "why" when we suffer, and God never says "because of this and this and this and this." With time answers reveal themselves. Sometimes they don't. This doesn't make God any less true or trustworthy.

Trials don't exist to prove God's faithfulness to us. They prove our faith in Him.



Sometimes I forget I have this thing.

While I did manage to get one post up during November, it was all about October. So, here's November:

First off, it's probably the fastest month I've experienced in my life so far. I went home for the week of Thanksgiving, and I missed Liberty the whole time. I wasn't really prepared to discover that home isn't home anymore.

I decided to spend my time with people I don't normally allocate time for; Jeph, Andy, Alex, David. (Maybe that's why it didn't feel like home...) It was o.k.

I finished out the last week of November in the Burg. It was a rough week, to say the least. The details are too "detailed" for the internet, so I'm going to have to keep that on the D.L.

So there you go. November. Not much to it.