About three weeks ago, I got a phone call from an old family friend named Destry. He lives in Pensacola, heard about the requirements for my class, and offered to ask around the churches in P-cola to see if they needed someone to volunteer in some ministry. A couple of days later, he called back with the name of a youth pastor who was interested in having me come over.
Sidenote: Ashley lives in Pensacola, and goes to church at Marcus Pointe Baptist.
To make a long story short, Craig, the youth pastor of Marcus Pointe, called and asked me to be the female chaperone for their World Changers trip.
I love World Changers, and I love Ashley…so it was like this amazing bonus! I was SO excited. So excited.
And I was nervous.
Girls can be scary! I had no idea what to expect from them, but they surprised me by being nothing short of wonderful. We had this almost instant connection, and it continued to grow throughout the week. I also developed great friendships with people on my crew…ones that I’m sure will last a lifetime.
The heartbreak of saying goodbye was something I had not anticipated. This may sound weird, but I long for all of them. I think I understand now what it was like for the apostle Paul, and how he longed to see the Christians of the churches he ministered at. I think about all of the girls I met often, and wish I had more time to just love and encourage them. I saw incredible potential in each of them, and desperately hope they reach that through Christ, for God’s glory.
So Emily, Hannah, Kendra, Kasey, and Charleigh, if you ever read this, just know that meeting you was an overwhelming blessing…I love you and pray for you all the time! And miss you tons!
This is Emily. If God blesses me with a daughter, and she turns out like her, I'd love it.

These are the Marcus Pointe girls...love them!

And this is my crew and our homeowner. Some of the most enjoyable people in the world.