Much has occurred since my last post about BIBL350.
Wait, who am I kidding? Life is exactly the same.
Ashley and Martha spent a weekend up here visiting. It was nice, but not long enough, especially since my job hogs so much of the wasted time I used to have.
My mom, Crys, and Amanda came up the following week, and we had a great time. We hiked Sharp Top...scratch that. Nate, Amanda, and I hiked Sharp Top. My mom and Crys lasted 10 minutes (and that's a stretch). The view from the top was stunning, but the extremely cold wind ran us off. We actually made it back down to the bottom in a little over 30 minutes (which, fyi, is quite impressive). We also captured some great pictures along the way. These are some of my faves...

I finished my BIBL350 class, and started two more; Intro to Missions, and John. I'm enjoying John about as much as I enjoyed 350...and somehow it's actually more demanding. It's also more mentally stimulating. For example: our professor believes that the water turned to wine was actually water turned to grape juice. His defining argument is that since wine can lead to drunkenness, Jesus wouldn't create it, because he wouldn't create something that is sinful...ergo, wine = grape juice.
Anyone else see the flaws there?
One last random tidbit. I learned how to play poker. Absolutely hated it the first time
but now
I'm in love.