
Brief Summary of '06

I want to try and sum up some key lessons of this year before it ends...

This year has been so unforgettable. What God has revealed to me in these very short 12 months will follow me for the rest of my life. More than anything He taught me how faithful He is. He showed me that I had put hope in someone other than Him...and that the person I placed so much trust in wasn't as faithful as I'd hoped he'd be. But God said, "I AM."

He showed me that His will will be done. Period. I can obey the first time...or I can learn the hard, painful way.

He pointed out to me that I put Him in a box, limited His power (in my mind), and put Him on a schedule.

He rebuked that.

He reminded me that He sent His son so that we don't have to live broken lives...He came to heal and restore.

He recalled the accounts of healing that are recorded in His word, and reminded me that without FAITH I won't be healed.

He blessed me with incredible friends...a "sisterhood".

He poured His love on me, and promised me that He will eternally do so.

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