
Still Small Voice

I'm a huge Smallville fan. Huge. My cousin Jon, my aunt Susy and I are currently on a "Smallville Marathon," (and have been for two months) watching every episode from every season. We've made it to Season 3, with only two more episodes to go!

For those who don't know, Smallville is the story of Superman before he was Superman. Throughout the show, he develops new powers and such. A couple of nights ago, we were watching an episode where Clark becomes blind, but while he's blind his hearing becomes incredibly sensitive. In an attempt to help Clark hone in on his hearing abilities, Jonathan Kent turns on all the machines in the barn, walks to the other side of the barn, and whispers, "Clark, listen for my voice. Focus. Clark, focus." A smile breaks across Clark's face as he hears his dad's faint voice among the racket going on around him.

I smiled too, at the symbolism of this scene in correlation to my Father.

My mind is constantly racing. It honestly never stops…especially when it comes to thoughts of the future, the things I can't see. But all the while, God, in his still, small voice, is reminding me to focus on Him. His voice really can and does rise above doubts, fears, turmoil, insecurity…if, IF, I listen for it. If I focus.

Is it audible? Not distinctively. But it's certainly available…in thousands upon thousands of verses in a Book that I have 4 copies of. Or even in ordinary moments, watching Smallville, as my thoughts are turned to Him and His incredible, incomprehensible intimacy.

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